- American Atheists
- Atheist Nexus
- American Humanist Association
- Atheist Republic
- Black Nonbelievers Inc
- The Brick Testament
- Center for Inquiry’
- Church of the Flying Spaghett Monster
- The Clergy Project
- Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
- Debunking Christianity / John W. Loftus
- EvilBible.com
- Ex-Muslims of North America
- Freedom From Religion Foundation
- Freethought Blogs
- Friendly Atheist
- Godless Mom / Secular Parenting Blog
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- OnlySky
- The Quackometer
- Richard Dawkins Foundation For Reason & Science
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- The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible
- The Skeptic’s Annontated Qur’an
- The Skeptic’s Annotated Book of Mormon
- SkepDoc / Harriet A. Hall MD
- United Coalition of Reason
- Why Won’t God Heal Amputees