

Bluewater Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics (BAHA)

Not for Profit Number 5027399
1.    BAHA is a secular alliance based in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario Canada and Port Huron, Michigan USA areas.
2.    We promote free thought, value secular Humanism, Atheism and Agnosticism within the public square.  
3.    We promote intelligent, respectful, logical, evidence-based dialogue with everyone, without an absolutist agenda or mindset. 
4.    We provide supportive fellowship and engage in humanitarian good works.
5.    We offer informative, educational and diverse secular activities and events for members, consistent with BAHA’s primary objectives, including social functions, informative talks from renowned speakers, documentary films, etc. Our annual BAHACON conference is our biggest, all-encompassing event.
6.    We offer friendship and engage with the public at large, building bridges through respectful & courteous associations and conversations between everyone, secular and non-secular alike, all while improving the perceptions given to Atheists, Agnostics and Humanists.
7.    Our efforts help raise funds for exceptional causes and charities.

New members are always welcome to join us at any of our gatherings by simply contacting us.

We are also very proud to present our newest and biggest event ever! – and it is just around the corner, Aug 25 – 27 at the Sunbridge Hotel & Convention Centre. BAHACON 2023! – featuring awesome speakers that will knock your socks off!

All Profits from BAHACON are to be Donated to Our Local Charities

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